This blog is the playground of some thoughts I have had regarding God and spirituality (among other things).
I see it as a playground because it is clear to me that no thought that I have can even approximate anything remotely close to the reality of God.
I can’t even approach the beginnings of a description of what God may or may not be. All I can do is communicate my thoughts about the subject of God (a very different matter altogether, and not one I would recommend anyone take too seriously).
I hope that each and every human has the opportunity to glimpse for at least a moment the eternity of that which we cannot comprehend. If it has happened to you already, I don’t need to write more to describe it. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, no amount of writing could describe it – I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but you’re in for something good!
Having this experience (or sometimes not having it) seems to propel people to think about God… to attempt to define God... to dispute the existence of God... to articulate the rules of God (as they see them)... However, in truth, their writings are nothing more than musings on the topic of God.
It seems that the weakness of the human mind and its tools; reason, logic, and language, precludes it from accurately communicating anything about God.
All spiritual scripts therefore are not actually about God, but rather they are about what people have thought about God - and that is altogether different you will agree.
You see, God cannot be put to word, or thought, or concept.... and therefore, there is no such thing as a sacred writing! There cannot be. There are only writings about what someone has pondered about God - nothing sacred in that!
Because God is beyond thought, we cannot discuss God... we can only discuss human thoughts about God. And since human thoughts cannot be sacred, all communications on God are up for debate.
Many people may find this blog, these ideas, insulting. Some may consider that I am blaspheming, or disrespecting that which is eternal and sacred. I assure you that this is only your perception.
I am incapable of disrespecting God… we all are!
...and anyway, what we think can in no way, that I can imagine, affect God
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