Monday, January 10, 2011

male sexuality - completely misunderstood…

Male sexuality – needs discussing, but I fear the discussion is likely to offend one or two …billion… people!  I apologise in advance.  My intention, as always, is simply to discuss my ideas… interesting ideas that miss the point!
Before we start, let me make something very clear… rape and all associated domination-type abuse has nothing whatsoever to do with male sexuality.  It is largely accepted by the psychological fraternity that these are activities (crimes) of anger and violence, not sexuality.  They are deplorable, whenever and however they occur – always!
Male sexuality, on the other hand, is a very beautiful thing... it’s a pity that it gets such a bad rap. 
I am writing about male sexuality, as opposed to sexuality in general, because I am a man… and because it seems to me there is a vast difference between male sexuality and female sexuality.  This article needs a 'sister document', a discussion on the subject of female sexuality, but I am not qualified to write it (perhaps you would like to?).
As I’ve mentioned in other parts of this blog, as humans we are affected by two primary influences; evolutionary (earthly) and mystical (spiritual).  Nowhere is this combination of forces more powerful and confusing than in (male) sexuality.
From an evolutionary perspective, male sexuality is relatively simple; brutish perhaps, but simple… sow your seed far and wide to increase the chances of replication of your genes, but also choose (for good genes) one partner carefully and invest heavily there to ensure the survival (as best you can) of at least those gene combinations.
From a mystical perspective, however, male sexuality becomes particularly interesting; beautiful in fact! 
The relationship between masculine and feminine at a mystical level is one of adoration.  Male adores female.
When a man’s attention is ripped into a singularity of awareness of a woman… for that moment he becomes obsessed; he is in rapt adoration of the feminine. 
This elevation of focus and awareness can take as little as the proverbial flutter of an eyelid; the curve of a cheek or breast or thigh or ankle... and can lift a man from the mundane to a level of mystical adoration of the Goddess (the Goddess that lies within every woman).
The feminists have it oh, so wrong when they complain about men objectifying women… men do not objectify women – they deify them! 
That which the feminists take as the ultimate insult is in fact the ultimate compliment; it is adoration!
The desire for sexual union with a woman comes from the mystically inspired desire for union with the Goddess… with the Ultimate.  It is a spiritual desire to be one with God; with all.  This desire expresses itself on earth in the form of sexuality.
And the reward for complementing a woman in this way; for adoration of the feminine, is wholesome for the man; he becomes elated, he is invigorated; rejuvenated… he feels truly alive.  Older men who retain their sexuality tend to retain their youthfulness; their desire for, and enjoyment of, life. 
Life is the gift of the Goddess… let all ye who desire life, adore her!
It is the role of the masculine to adore and desire union with the feminine… this is a Universal role… a spiritual role.  It cannot be contained or limited to ‘socially appropriate moments’, it bursts out whenever a man witnesses the Goddess (in a woman) and is elevated into spiritual adoration. 
How can any woman ever consider this insulting?  The adoration of the Goddess as seen in you should never be considered anything other than beautiful and holy. 
This poses the question: How is it that male sexuality has such a bad rap?  Why is it that male sexuality is viewed so negatively by so many?
Well, sadly it seems to stem from the chauvinism which is deeply written into many religions.
It’s fairly obvious that any religion which does not allow for adoration of the Goddess is going to have a really hard time giving context to male sexuality (i.e., adoration of the Goddess!)…
Yes, the oppression of male sexuality goes hand-in-hand with any oppression of the feminine, most especially mystical oppression of the feminine – denial of the Goddess!
For example, the Catholic Church, despite its chauvinism, is one of the few western religions that has even a glimmer of the Goddess (seen in the adoration of the Virgin Mary… and the belief that she has been bodily assumed into heaven).  And yet Catholisism has an 'interesting' take on sexuality… the only purpose of sexuality, they say, is reproduction (no mention there of adoration of the Goddess!).
I find this interesting because while it is a valid biological approach to sexuality, it is devoid of all mysticism… not what one would expect from what is otherwise a very mystical religion.
And it begs the question:  How much greater then will be the suppression of male sexuality (oppression of the feminine) in the less mystical religions…?
The Calvinists and later the Victorians took this denial of the Goddess and oppression of the feminine (suppression of male sexuality) to an all-time high.  Sexuality, even within a loving committed marriage, was viewed in a negative light; a necessary evil!
Despite the freeing of sexuality during the sexual revolution of the 60’s the concomitant influence of feminism has impeded adoration of the Goddess (given what some might consider the misguided idea about objectification of women)… Feminism has contributed to the suppression of male sexuality and thereby, (ironically) oppression the feminine.
These are just some ideas about male sexuality… interesting ideas that miss the point…


  1. Interesting anecdote to the story;
    I was travelling in Argentina, where men tend to stare at women. In a travel hostel, four fellow Canadian young girls were complaining about the "constant leering" that the latin men gave them.

    As delicately as I could, I explained that the cultural difference. Women in Argentina dressed to be adored, and revered. For a man NOT to stare at a lovely woman was insulting to her.

    I would love to say that the girls got the point, but the twisted North American tease logic of "I'm dressing very sexy, but don't look at me or you are a perv.", was ingrained pretty deep. They didn't enjoy the attention, and blamed the men.

  2. So... it's not just naked ground apes getting boners, then?

  3. Curious female debater....January 17, 2011 at 9:21 PM

    Nice post.. fair arguments (and thanks for the caveat upfront).

    A question for you about "sowing your seed far and wide", but primarily focusing on one woman and helping her raise the offspring.

    What is your personal opinion on that subject? AND, if you support the above statement (there would be nothing wrong with that).
    In your opinion, should the feminine companion know about the sowing the seeds widely part in addition to offspring with her (hypothetical question, if you don’t have kids (yet))?

    My personal opinion is as follows: There are many animals that mate for life and many that don’t and sleep around with as many partners as possible. I think humans are peculiar animals in the respect that there is a subset of men and women that prefer monogamy (and overcomes the temptation to sow their seed because of higher, overriding values, feelings of love, commitment, trust etc), and another subset of men and women that prefers to sow their seed.

    I think one of the advantages of humans is that our prefrontal cortex, the executive center of our brain, allows us deny chances to cheat because we would know this would inflict a lot of pain on our relationship. This of course is only for the subset of people who have committed to monogamy. Humans value survival of their genes, but also interpersonal relationships –and at times these can have conflicting behaviour choice preferences.

    My point: I’m proposing people are honest with themselves and with each other. If sowing the seed is one’s preference – be honest with your partner, and let them know that’s the deal. My hope is that “sowing the seed” partners are matched up, and that monogamous partners are matched up likewise.

    So I applaud your post, but am curious what your take on the above comments might be…

  4. to 'curious female debater'...

    Nice thinking!

    I once wrote a paper called 'war of the sexes' (not an original title I know, but I thought it was smart at the time...cringe!) wherein I postulated about the socio-biological evolution of male vs female approach to sexuality, relationship, jealousy, etc... it said a lot, but could be summarised into my statement about 'sowing seed AND choosing one'.

    Had I read your comment then I would have said that it is very unlikely monogamous behaviour has a genetic origin in men, becuase such genes would ultimately lose the war (had less of an advantage) against more philandering type male genes (who also had a partner)...

    But you raise an idea that is very interesting... What if monogamous genes in men result in stronger relationships and therefore greater security for the offspring of the couple, while more philandering genes result in possibly more births, but weaker relationships which would be less secure for the offspring...

    Were this the case, it could certinly happen that both types of genes could exist in 'menkind' (as it were) competing for success.

    In periods of scarcity the monogamous genes would probably have an advantage, and in times of plenty the philandering genes would probably have the advantage... and so a dynamic balance could well evolve between the two.

    Every modern man therefore would have a combination of both (probably) and depending on the balance would be more inclined to be monogamous or philandering...!

    Interesting idea!

    But that doesn't answer your question... you asked if I personally believed what I had written.

    Well I think it is part of us, yes, but I agree with you that it is way too simplistic to account for the complexity of our complete attitude towards sexuality.

    I too believe in honesty between couples, because I crave intimacy... and without honesty there can be no real intimacy.

    But it gets complicated because the power of what I called adoration of the Goddess can really mess with a man's head... it's powerful stuff and needs to be honoured and kept in the open to be worked with respectfully.

    However, we have little context to do this because our current western society generally degrades male sexuality... and so it is generally hidden (which leads to all sorts of added complications).

    In short though... your idea about sowing seed partners and monogamous partners linking up is rather beautiful idea...

    It could work... this could be the start of a new world order!
