Thursday, January 20, 2011

is there a way out of the corruption spiral we are observing destroying our country?

I propose that South Africa should consider simultaneously offering an amnesty for all acts of corruption to date, while implementing stringent and powerful (politically unhindered) corruption-control mechanisms into the future.  Doing this, I believe, could go a long way to halting the spiral of corruption and organised crime we are experiencing in South Africa.

What is the problem?
Organised crime and lawlessness in South Africa is tearing apart our social fabric and threatens to destroy the economy of the country.  Corruption at all levels fuels this process because it acts as a catalyst and facilitator of other crimes. 

When political leadership is corrupt, the peace services (police, judiciary, etc) become corrupt.  When the peace services become corrupt, there can be no control of crime.  This is the pattern, the spiral, we are seeing playing out in South Africa at present.

How did it start?
For whatever reason there has been considerable corruption in our political leadership - too much smoke for there not to be fire!  It is easy to understand that one of the reasons a person might support the disbanding of the Scorpions (for example), would be to ensure that the fire of their wrong-doings remains undiscovered. 

Political leaders who have, perhaps unwittingly, committed corruption in the past, find themselves in situation where they need to use their political power to suppress the discovery of that corruption - they are caught in an unyielding spiral of corruption.  This ongoing political warfare against the country's corruption-control mechanisms is tearing the country apart and fostering an atmosphere conducive to organised crime.

How can it be stopped?
How do we liberate people who have been caught in this cycle, and in so doing liberate the mechanisms of the state to fight corruption?

I suggest we take a compassionate view; a view that says there was enormous change in the '90s and understands that a subjugated people liberated may easily trip when suddenly all power and control mechanisms are in their hands for the first time ever.

I believe in 'starting again' - liberating people who may feel that they are trapped (by their past actions) and forced to act in a way that is fundamentally against their good nature and ethical political beliefs.

What is the solution?
I believe that if we simultaneously offer an amnesty for all acts of corruption to date, while implementing stringent and powerful (politically unhindered) corruption-control mechanisms into the future, we could begin the process of halting the spiral of corruption and organised crime we are experiencing in South Africa.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

don’t count your blessing…

...just be grateful!
I stopped at a traffic light the other day and a street child approached my car.  I opened the window and handed him an orange (I don’t feel comfortable giving street kids money)... without any expression of gratitude in gesture or language, he said: “I want money”.
I reached out of the window and took back the orange and drove off…
I wonder what it is about ‘lack of gratitude’ that inflames me when I act in the interests of another?  I justify to myself that if there is no gratitude, then the interests of that person have not been served, and the resource (time, energy, an orange..., whatever) would better be used for someone else… but that’s a justification; a partial truth, with many exceptions - especially in the case of children, who don't always know what is in their best interests.

But it got me thinking... what if there was an angry, jealous God (as described in the old testament), who on principle removed the blessings from those upon whom he had bestowed, should they fail to show the appropriate depth of gratitude...? 

Do I radiate sufficient gratitude in my life to deserve all the wonderful things I have...?

The antithesis of the situation I experienced with that little street urchin was at another traffic light, when I stopped and opened the window to tell someone begging that I had nothing in the car to give him.  In looking around the car my eyes fell upon half a sandwich, left over from the day before.  I mentioned, embarrassed, that this half-sandwich is all that I have in the car.  His face light up with gratitude.  I handed him the sandwich and he acted as if I’d handed him a winning lotto ticket.  It touched my heart in exactly the opposite manner from the incident mentioned above.  I was motivated to drive home, get something for him and drive back to deliver it… that used almost an hour; an hour freely and easily given because of his expression of genuine gratitude.
There is a car guard, down at the beach… when you give him a tip, he pockets it without ever looking at it.  He is always grateful and cheerful, irrespective of how much you give him… he never checks (I have seen him do the same with other people… money always straight into the same pocket – I have never seen him withdraw money from that pocket).
That seems to me the correct approach to the blessings of life… accept them without evaluation… be grateful and shine this gratitude to the universe… perhaps it is like a fly-wheel bringing blessings to those radiating gratitude.
So, don’t count your blessings… just be grateful…!

your honour, if I may explain…

"...The purpose of a traffic light is to control traffic at an intersection in such a way that it is impossible for two cars coming from different directions to collide at the intersection.

As my client approached the traffic light he stopped and ensured that there was no traffic approaching from any direction.  He then crossed the intersection, admittedly in contravention of the red light, but in the knowledge that it was impossible for any cars to collide at the intersection as a result of his action… in doing so he effectively adhered to purpose of the traffic light. 

Further, since there was no accident and no possibility of an accident; there was no physical harm done; no possibility of any harm being done… without harm of any sort to anybody whatsoever, and without contravention of the purpose of the traffic light, we contend that no crime was committed.

It may be argued that were the court to accept the above line of thinking, then it would be setting a precedent whereby it would lose the power to enforce the law that crossing a traffic light while the lights are red is illegal.  We contend, however, that for anyone arguing this line it is essential firstly, that they must fully understand the purpose of the traffic lights, and must fully adhere to the purpose of said lights, and further that nobody must be harmed, and there must be no possibility of anybody being harmed by their action, if they can demonstrate the above, then the precedent stands… and since there is no harm, and no possibility of any harm, it is not a dangerous precedent to set..."

Monday, January 10, 2011

male sexuality - completely misunderstood…

Male sexuality – needs discussing, but I fear the discussion is likely to offend one or two …billion… people!  I apologise in advance.  My intention, as always, is simply to discuss my ideas… interesting ideas that miss the point!
Before we start, let me make something very clear… rape and all associated domination-type abuse has nothing whatsoever to do with male sexuality.  It is largely accepted by the psychological fraternity that these are activities (crimes) of anger and violence, not sexuality.  They are deplorable, whenever and however they occur – always!
Male sexuality, on the other hand, is a very beautiful thing... it’s a pity that it gets such a bad rap. 
I am writing about male sexuality, as opposed to sexuality in general, because I am a man… and because it seems to me there is a vast difference between male sexuality and female sexuality.  This article needs a 'sister document', a discussion on the subject of female sexuality, but I am not qualified to write it (perhaps you would like to?).
As I’ve mentioned in other parts of this blog, as humans we are affected by two primary influences; evolutionary (earthly) and mystical (spiritual).  Nowhere is this combination of forces more powerful and confusing than in (male) sexuality.
From an evolutionary perspective, male sexuality is relatively simple; brutish perhaps, but simple… sow your seed far and wide to increase the chances of replication of your genes, but also choose (for good genes) one partner carefully and invest heavily there to ensure the survival (as best you can) of at least those gene combinations.
From a mystical perspective, however, male sexuality becomes particularly interesting; beautiful in fact! 
The relationship between masculine and feminine at a mystical level is one of adoration.  Male adores female.
When a man’s attention is ripped into a singularity of awareness of a woman… for that moment he becomes obsessed; he is in rapt adoration of the feminine. 
This elevation of focus and awareness can take as little as the proverbial flutter of an eyelid; the curve of a cheek or breast or thigh or ankle... and can lift a man from the mundane to a level of mystical adoration of the Goddess (the Goddess that lies within every woman).
The feminists have it oh, so wrong when they complain about men objectifying women… men do not objectify women – they deify them! 
That which the feminists take as the ultimate insult is in fact the ultimate compliment; it is adoration!
The desire for sexual union with a woman comes from the mystically inspired desire for union with the Goddess… with the Ultimate.  It is a spiritual desire to be one with God; with all.  This desire expresses itself on earth in the form of sexuality.
And the reward for complementing a woman in this way; for adoration of the feminine, is wholesome for the man; he becomes elated, he is invigorated; rejuvenated… he feels truly alive.  Older men who retain their sexuality tend to retain their youthfulness; their desire for, and enjoyment of, life. 
Life is the gift of the Goddess… let all ye who desire life, adore her!
It is the role of the masculine to adore and desire union with the feminine… this is a Universal role… a spiritual role.  It cannot be contained or limited to ‘socially appropriate moments’, it bursts out whenever a man witnesses the Goddess (in a woman) and is elevated into spiritual adoration. 
How can any woman ever consider this insulting?  The adoration of the Goddess as seen in you should never be considered anything other than beautiful and holy. 
This poses the question: How is it that male sexuality has such a bad rap?  Why is it that male sexuality is viewed so negatively by so many?
Well, sadly it seems to stem from the chauvinism which is deeply written into many religions.
It’s fairly obvious that any religion which does not allow for adoration of the Goddess is going to have a really hard time giving context to male sexuality (i.e., adoration of the Goddess!)…
Yes, the oppression of male sexuality goes hand-in-hand with any oppression of the feminine, most especially mystical oppression of the feminine – denial of the Goddess!
For example, the Catholic Church, despite its chauvinism, is one of the few western religions that has even a glimmer of the Goddess (seen in the adoration of the Virgin Mary… and the belief that she has been bodily assumed into heaven).  And yet Catholisism has an 'interesting' take on sexuality… the only purpose of sexuality, they say, is reproduction (no mention there of adoration of the Goddess!).
I find this interesting because while it is a valid biological approach to sexuality, it is devoid of all mysticism… not what one would expect from what is otherwise a very mystical religion.
And it begs the question:  How much greater then will be the suppression of male sexuality (oppression of the feminine) in the less mystical religions…?
The Calvinists and later the Victorians took this denial of the Goddess and oppression of the feminine (suppression of male sexuality) to an all-time high.  Sexuality, even within a loving committed marriage, was viewed in a negative light; a necessary evil!
Despite the freeing of sexuality during the sexual revolution of the 60’s the concomitant influence of feminism has impeded adoration of the Goddess (given what some might consider the misguided idea about objectification of women)… Feminism has contributed to the suppression of male sexuality and thereby, (ironically) oppression the feminine.
These are just some ideas about male sexuality… interesting ideas that miss the point…

Saturday, January 1, 2011

it is difficult to visit the mystical...

It is difficult for us as humans to visit the mystical and receive the strange spiritual message it contains... it is particularly difficult to try and make sense of the Universe in this way. 

It seems to me that it is easier for us to accept the translated message of a personal God that loves us just the way we are, which someone else has brought back from the mystical... less rewarding; less fulfilling, but also less challenging, and therefore vastly more popular.